Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas door decoration

You may not have the time, money or resources to do a lot of holiday outdoor decorating this year. There is some good news. You really don’t need much more than a good Christmas door decoration to create a bold holiday statement.
One of the classic ways to bring focus to your door is to use a wreath. This simple item is traditional and classy. You can use this Christmas door decoration with a spotlight on the area for bigger impact. For many homes this is plenty to communicate holiday cheer in a classy, understated fashion.
Some of us want a little more wow factor in our Christmas door decoration idea. You can always use wrapping paper. I love the look of a front door covered in metallic red, green or even silver and gold paper. Add a big bow and you have yourself a knock-out Christmas door decoration that costs next to nothing.
Another idea for this most important space is to create a big snowman out of cardboard. This is a wonderful Christmas door decoration for anyone who is expecting children to visit during the holidays. Santa is a great option as well.
You can use materials to give this character dimension as well. Santa’s beard can be made of pulled cotton balls. This material can be used on the cuffs of his coat and pants as well. Red felt is a wonderful choice for his clothes and black felt will make wonderful boots for this Christmas door decoration.
Adding interest to the space is very important. This can be done by creating some expectation as well. Maybe try adding some lights and that lead up to the entrance. Putting short evergreens on either side of the entrance will also make a great Christmas door decoration.
You may want to try something unusual with the space. Many of the ideas listed here are traditional and others are commonly seen at school. The traditional Christmas door decorations include the mini trees and the wreath. Just about everyone has seen an entrance wrapped with paper as well.
When you think about your Christmas door decoration you may want to find something that is a little more unusual. Maybe creating a whole holiday scene right on the door would be a unique approach.
This year I am going to create a Christmas door decoration that turns part of my front entrance into a huge greeting card. You can find the oversized holiday card at a craft store. I am putting a sign that says, “Please sign” in bold, red letters right above the oversized holiday card.
This Christmas door decoration serves two purposes. The design on the front of the oversized holiday card will serve as a great visual interest while the inside of the card will be a treasured keepsake reminding me of all of the special visitors I had over the season.